The second block... VALUE PROPOSITIONS

Thursday 22 November 2012

After deciding on the customer whom we are targeting on this children healthcare social project, it is time to decide on value propositions. What is it actually?

Value propositions building block describes the bundle of product and services that create values for a specific customer segment.The questions we need to ask is What value do we deliver to the customer?It solves a customer problem or satisfies a customer need.In this sense, the VP is a bundle of benefits that a company offers customers.

In our children healthcare project, the services that we offer are basically healthcare advice and treatment for kids of the poor and rich. This is due to the fact that kids are often being infected by evil viruses possibly from the environment itself. Thus, here we are, specialising in the care of these kids below 18, as our main concern.

However, realising the fact that we are not alone, in the sense that there are business competitors around is with the same service, hence we have to come up with a unique value  or reason so that  customer turn to us alone.

So, here it is. First, we offer five class, international standard healthcare services compromising health check-ups, treatment for diseases ranging from small fever to minor surgeries and even wards for those who need further attention from doctors.In this case, we practised equality in which the rich and the poor are both treated with the same way, not wanting to build a class barrier between them.

Second, knowing kids and their natural self who are physically active even while being sick , we provided mini playground to attend to their needs.This is not to deprive them of their usual routine even while being at the hospital.This is we assure a totally new quality provided in healthcare as kids usually picture being in a hospital as boring as they are to lie down in bed all the time and never wander around.Hence, it is a strong value we have to offer to them due to the level of freedom we offer but at the same time, they are guided by the staffs.

Third, in servicing the kids, we must also never forget the parents. Hence, our third value is aiming to serve the parents while they are attending to their kids in the clinic. That is, we provide massage chairs for them to relax and loosen their muscles after  long day of work or taking care of their sick kids.The comfortable environment we provided are also a bonus as this will ensure their continuous support to us, and even a possible publicity channel to attract their friends and colleagues to join us.

To conclude, these values are like our identity in this social clinic field, especially important on marketing purpose.First class healthservice, mini playground and comfortable environment for parents alike (massage chairs) are the values that we have to offer.

* from - sparks of entrepreneur team