
Wednesday 5 December 2012


The third step in coming up with a business plan is to identify the channel.The channel building block describes how a company communicates with and reaches its customer segments to deliver its value prepositions.

In our project of opening a children healthcare social clinic, we have identified 2 major channels to approach our clients (the rich) and also our customers (the urban poor).

-Collaborate with the government specifically the Ministry of Health to get the rich to invest in our clinic.Proposals are to be made and delivered to respective companies and also potential clients either to invest or to get healthcare treatment at our clinic.Claiming as a co-project with the government may build trust among the clients on us.

-In order to identify potential poor customers to get services from us, we plan to collaborate with the government for data collection.This helps us to know the financial background of our customers and to provide better explanation to them on the true meaning of social clinic.

Extra channels are also to be used for promotion like the mass media, social networks like facebook and twitter, banners, and even newspaper advertisement.