9...Cost Structures

Friday 21 December 2012

Cost Structures

The cost structures building block defines the costs (the outflow of  cash) incurred to operate a business.A business cannot have a revenue stream alone but also has to use money to make the business grows.In our social clinic, these costs come from:

-Money are used to pay for the salaries of the staff.No one works for free in this world even in a social project as that is the reality of the world today.It also helps maintain a positive mood among the staff because they are paid to get their job done at the best level.

-As a new business, we find it best that we first rent part of a building for the clinic.Hence, money are needed to pay for the space rent.

-Money has also be used to pay for the bills which include electricity, water, and wireless connection.

4.Physical resources
-In order to get the medical equipments or drugs or hygiene products, we cannot just rely on the partnership program.Some may also need to be bought at the company's own expenses.

In one glance, starting up this social clinic may seem like it needs a lot of cost, but it will eventually be outbalanced by the revenue streams from the healthcare services we have to offer.