Wednesday 14 November 2012

for the past two weeks, we were given a booklet , a GREEN BOOKLET,which is the building block . And that was the moment when we realize that our leisure time had come to the end , and we have to deal with the real business, handling our social clinic .

So , here are some details on how we organize our building block , ......eventhough it was a bad impression from most of us , as the page is really huge with a wide spaces and blocks . But then , as the lecture guide us with some of the tips , it is easier then ! ;D

so first of all , there is a column of space that we have to fill it with our own business idea . So , enthusiastically , we jot down our most gracious and hilarious idea, which is . the social clinic .  We prioritize and zoom in to the deepest part of our social clinic , and thus we decide to focus on having a clinic which is specifically provide a health care towards children .

BUSINESS IDEA : to provide children healthcare

PROBLEM STATEMENT : how to provide children healthcare among poor children in urban area ?

our focus , like what we stated earlier , we want to provide a good care , a good concern towards children .

But why in urban area ?

when we have this idea murmuring , hopping around in our head , what we are thinking was , how we gonna get some aid , or some income , or some 'dana' for us to run this program . As all of us know , by helping others , means , we have to 'gadaikan' something , or lost some of our belonging , and for this case , in helping people in the healthcare ( clinic ) is reducing the charge while increasing the service level . but , can we guarantee the service can be maintained , the staffs can get their full payment , while the charge on the treatment is reduced , plus with the increasing of the patients ?

 I dont really think it is a good idea if we continuously hanging on the business idea without any back-up plans .

So , that is how we came out with the idea on running our business in urban areas . As we see that we need the supports from the rich people , as we also provide our service to them . By having this kind of people , maybe we could earn some income and we also feel so glad if we could receive have sponsors from them . For the service , maybe we dont have to cut out the fees , as we really need the income to support the other people , but maybe we can propose it to reduce the treatment fees, lower than any other clinic and healthcare could ask . So , by having this business plan , i think it is not impossible for us to handle this project .

TQ .