Conclusion (*drumroll)

Tuesday 25 December 2012


            In short, this social clinic project aim is to help the urban poor children living in major city to get the chance and right to proper healthcare and consultant.This is done with partnership with governmental bodies, private companies and not to forget the rich people that is the main source in terms of financial.We practice the system of one rich people paying for the price of two to equlibriate in terms of money. This in the end ensure that the poor does not have to pay for the service but still receive the same kind of treatment without any discrimination.

            Since this concept is actually something totally new, it may be difficult at first, but perseverance will eventually pays off. Skills and experience can be build but to us it is the passion that drives us to establish this kind of enterprise.Still, advice  from government and companies are a guide for us to start and maintain a stable business. 

9...Cost Structures

Friday 21 December 2012

Cost Structures

The cost structures building block defines the costs (the outflow of  cash) incurred to operate a business.A business cannot have a revenue stream alone but also has to use money to make the business grows.In our social clinic, these costs come from:

-Money are used to pay for the salaries of the staff.No one works for free in this world even in a social project as that is the reality of the world today.It also helps maintain a positive mood among the staff because they are paid to get their job done at the best level.

-As a new business, we find it best that we first rent part of a building for the clinic.Hence, money are needed to pay for the space rent.

-Money has also be used to pay for the bills which include electricity, water, and wireless connection.

4.Physical resources
-In order to get the medical equipments or drugs or hygiene products, we cannot just rely on the partnership program.Some may also need to be bought at the company's own expenses.

In one glance, starting up this social clinic may seem like it needs a lot of cost, but it will eventually be outbalanced by the revenue streams from the healthcare services we have to offer.

Eighth... Key Partner

Monday 17 December 2012

Key Partner

The next block is the key partner block. It describes the network of suppliers and partners that help make the business work. They also play a major role in terms of resources whether physical or financially.

In our children healthcare social clinic project, we have proposed for partnership with:

1.Banks -to aid us in terms of start-up money to open the clinic

2.SG Pharma Pvt. Ltd. - to provide medicine and drugs for use by patients

3.Antamax Medical Sdn Bhd - to provide medical equipments and surgical utensil

4.Nippon paint -to sponsor in terms of interior design of the clinic and also furniture supply

Basically, we hope to gain interest of these major companies to join partnership with us through their corporate social responsibility (CSR) department plus the fact that we are a co-governmental project.


Saturday 15 December 2012

Key activities are one of the crucial elements that are entrust could gather and attract more people to use our service . This is the assets that could bring us to be closer to our precious customer , and nevertheless , to show that we are truly worship this connection . The activities are :

  • open 24 hours per day
in all types of emergency cases , people do really want to have a fast and reachable service and treatment . But very least amount of clinic nowadays provide a long period of time in serving to their customer . So by having this point of servicing people 24hours per day , customer will reach to us as fast as they can .

  • provide snacks and refreshments 
to children range from 6 years old and below , we provide them with a good and nutritious snacks and refreshments . Do we ever have a thought that how many clinics in this country , provide snacks to their customer ? Maybe it is quite rare for us to give such gift to the customer , but if  it could enable us to have a close relationship , we should pursue and further up this proposal .

Sixth... Key Resources

Friday 14 December 2012

Key Resources

The next building block is the key resources building block. This  building block describes the assets required to make a  business model works.The key resources can be divided into:

-Physical resources are the things that we need to open the clinic. This includes medical equipments, furniture, computers, electricity, wireless connection and even water supply.

2.Intellectual and Human
-Intellectual resources are the 'human brain' or wisdom needed   to operate the clinic.They are skilled staff that handles the clinic management to function optimumly.They can be subdivided further into operation management team, financial management team, healthcare provider team, law management team and supply management team.

-Under financial resources, it means where we got our money from for the clinic operation. This is basically from the investment by  the major companies and also partially from the revenue streams itself.

Fifth...Revenue Streams

Monday 10 December 2012

Revenue Streams

The next step in proposing a business plan, we have to identify the revenue streams.It is basically the source  of cash generated by the company.Every business no matter if it is a social enterprise, it still need to have ways of getting the money or else, bankruptcy is definite.

Thus, in our children healthcare project, our revenue streams is what we get from the rich that come to get healthcare services in our clinic.They pay for the consultation fee, medical check-up, treatment, and even ward rent.As the name social clinic suggests, the poor need not pay for the service,as the charges  are taken care of by the rich through the one-pay-for-two system (client).

Fourth... Customer Relationships

Friday 7 December 2012

Customer Relationships

The customer relationships building block describes the type of relationship a company establishes with the customer segments.

Even as a social clinic project, nonetheless, we still need to maintain a good relationship with the customer segments.We are going  to achieve this by:

1.Membership card program
-all customers will be  offered to become our clinic member.This card will be synchronised with our clinic database so that less waiting time is required every time customers seek our healthcare service.

2.Family day
-A special family day will be held annually for the customers and also our staff. This will help build a strong relationship between both sides thus creating a healthy and cheerful environment to work and also get treatment in.

3.Start-the-day exercise
-For patients staying in the ward who are fit enough, light and enjoyable exercises will be carried out everyday to build a positive mood in the kids' mind.As they say, whats's inside can heal you on the outside.

To conclude, by these various programs, it is our mission to maintain a strong and healthy relationship with the customer segments so that they will not turn their back on us and maybe even promote us to their colleagues thus expanding our business.


Wednesday 5 December 2012


The third step in coming up with a business plan is to identify the channel.The channel building block describes how a company communicates with and reaches its customer segments to deliver its value prepositions.

In our project of opening a children healthcare social clinic, we have identified 2 major channels to approach our clients (the rich) and also our customers (the urban poor).

-Collaborate with the government specifically the Ministry of Health to get the rich to invest in our clinic.Proposals are to be made and delivered to respective companies and also potential clients either to invest or to get healthcare treatment at our clinic.Claiming as a co-project with the government may build trust among the clients on us.

-In order to identify potential poor customers to get services from us, we plan to collaborate with the government for data collection.This helps us to know the financial background of our customers and to provide better explanation to them on the true meaning of social clinic.

Extra channels are also to be used for promotion like the mass media, social networks like facebook and twitter, banners, and even newspaper advertisement.