Hours with Bernard

Thursday 18 October 2012

Gosh , i dont even know how to start this -.-"

when  loads of people , here and there start rambling, bubbling,muttering and even talking in whispers about this APK stuff , I was like ...

"Apa kaitan medik dgn  APK sebenarnya? KEUSAHAWANAN???? EUUUUUUUUUUU..."
I mean seriously, what the #%^& is the relevance of  learning about entrepreneurship when you are like for sure going to end up as a DOCTOR.who need such minor skills anyway, duhhhhh

Anyway, that day, I got the news that a new SOMEONE is going to handle the APK class .So , whatever lahh , i just set my foot into the lecturehall ,...half awake ...and hope that the class will end earlier like what we have with Encik Thiru .

What we get isn't the same as what we think it should be.Bernard is like this whole new type of person, caring about tiny particular details like TIME (he even arrived earlier than us, and ended the class at EXACTLY 7!!!) , full of spirit and energy and maybe some sense of humour.

So basically, the class turned out to be kinda relaxed but then again, the world isnt just about the good stuff. Hiding between the laughters and jokes, we were assigned with the REAL APK stuff:

   1.Joining the facebook group UM APK 2.0  -------> DONE
   2.Creating  a team "work in progress" blog    ------->HALFWAY THROUGH
   3.Reading the business book "Business Model Generation" ------->  ???

APK is really not the "love-at-first-sight" kind of thing. Listening to Bernard is a bit intereting and intriguing but maybe the real passion is still not there. So, we just hope that being with him for the next 6 weeks will change our perception about this entrepreneurship thing.As they say, you may start with zero but end up being a hero? 

 so , yea , DONE , BERNARD .